Recovery InSight

Recovery InSight – WELCOME!

Written by Anton Fedorov | August 15, 2018

Welcome to our new blog and website!  Our look has changed, but our commitment to helping people recover lost vision hasn’t.  Through these posts, we’ll share with you the knowledge we’ve gained through our research, our professional networks and through the vision-recovery treatments we provide.

We’ll talk about emerging research, scientific advancements and new treatment innovations that give hope to people who have lost or are losing their sight, primarily due to optic nerve disorders or retinitis pigmentosa. And we’ll share with you our patients’ experiences with vision loss and recovery, putting a spotlight on conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable – like different types of optic nerve damages caused by glaucoma, eye or head trauma, inflammation, lack of blood supply, brain tumor and certain retinal dystrophies like retinitis pigmentosa, and vision-loss resulting from brain disorders.

At Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic, our interests span the broad – and we think fascinating – disciplines of ophthalmology and neurology so our treatment considerations for vision-loss aren’t myopic. We’re excited about the new advancements we hear about every day, and can’t wait to talk with you about them.

It’s not all about us though. We hope you will help us keep this blog newsworthy and relevant by joining the conversation – tell us your story or about advancements you’ve heard of, and make suggestions for posts or guest-bloggers.  We promise we’re listening, and will consider the feedback we get. (With that said…we run a very busy vision restoration clinic and our patients are our top priority so it might take us a few days to get back to you. Apologies in advance if you don’t hear from us straight away.)

Want to learn more? If so, subscribe to our blog – we promise to keep things interesting. In case there is any doubt, our next post will give you a glimpse of one patient’s journey to recover lost vision after a brain injury; all told through the eyes of his mother.